5 Things to do with Pine in the Kitchen
While there isn’t a lot growing at the moment, the majestic pinus spp. is still standing tall and luscious and guess what? You can use this tree for medicine and in the kitchen! The needles can be made into a delicately flavoured tea, that tastes delicious but also is...
Online Elderberry Workshop
My elderberry workshop is here! I’ve recorded an hour long masterclass showing you exactly how to make an array of powerful elder based herbal recipes for the home apothecary. Included in this is the perfect honey sweetened elderberry syrup. Using either fresh,...
Ode to September-Customs and Traditions of September
September is a beautiful month-the bridge between summer and autumn. There’s a sense of release as the children go back to school and a hush falls during the day. The high energy of summer is waning and nature begins to set seed and retreat back to its...
Crafting a Herbal Apothecary in Summer
For the summer herbal apothecary, there’s lots of work to be done, a plethora of harvests to complete and process, medicine to make and share-a season of activity and busyness! To counteract the fire and energy of summer I like to look to remedies that cool, calm and...
How to Make a Herbal Dream Pillow
A dream pillow can be a magical way of encouraging better sleep and less nightmares. It’s a lovely thing to slowly make by hand during the abundant and light season of summer, ready for use in autumn and winter or to give as a gift. You can use many different herbs in...
How to Make an Infused Herbal Oil-Quick and Fast Methods
One of my favourite herbal concoctions to make is a herbal infused oil. A herbal infused oil is a base oil such as olive oil or maybe sweet almond oil which has been permeated with the qualities and scent of herbs. These herbal oils can also have essential oils added...
The Art of the Garden Bath
A beautiful summer gratitude ritual is running a Garden Bath. I have talked about garden baths before in some of rituals and rhythms episodes because it is such a simple but divine thing. With summer being a time when many herbs are at their best and the garden is...
Rose Sponge Cake for Summer
I have to have a cake to celebrate summer, I adore baking and sweet things so it seems inevitable that I should find an excuse to bake something and the mid month of summer seems like a perfect reason to me to get out my cake tins. My cake of choice in July is most...
Honeysuckle Cough Syrup
Of all the plants growing in July the two I am enjoying the most are the elderflower which sadly are beginning to fade and shed their tiny petals, and the opulently scented honeysuckle. Both of these flowers are quite dominating with their scent. They are not blossoms...
How to Make Herbal Waters & Iced Herbal Teas
A cornerstone recipe of summer is cool or iced herbal teas. This is simply a herbal tea that has been cooled down in the fridge and then had some ice added. Easy. This follows the same technique as brewing herbal infusions (I have a whole podcast episode dedicated to...