4 years of my Rooted Membership- Workshop List!

4 years of my Rooted Membership- Workshop List!

Some of you will know I spend most of my time working on my beautiful memebership space-Rooted, which I host on Patreon. When I started my membership it actually began as a Patreon for my podcast and then slowly it morphed into a membership space using Patreon as a...

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5 Things to do with Pine in the Kitchen

5 Things to do with Pine in the Kitchen

While there isn’t a lot growing at the moment, the majestic pinus spp. is still standing tall and luscious and guess what? You can use this tree for medicine and in the kitchen! The needles can be made into a delicately flavoured tea, that tastes delicious but also is...

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How to Prune and Pinch out Tomatoes

How to Prune and Pinch out Tomatoes

I recently uploaded a reel on my Instagram account on how to pinch out your tomatoes 🍅 We have a whole side of our polytunnel dedicated to tomatoes and keeping on-top of the maintenance is really important for their health and success. With the weather getting warmer...

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How to Make a Sun Tea

How to Make a Sun Tea

A Sun Tea Recipe to Celebrate MidsummerThere’s nothing quite like sipping a gently warmed sun tea to appreciate the beauty of the garden and the magic of midsummer. A sun tea uses the power of the sun to gentle infuse the herbs into the water and it works so well with...

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Lemon & Poppy Seed Cake recipe for Spring

Lemon & Poppy Seed Cake recipe for Spring

With spring and its themes of emergence, new life and seeds, I thought the perfect cake for the season would be a lemon and poppy seed cake. The citrus yellow lemon is a very uplifting addition perfect for the spring mood and the poppy seeds are the nod to the shift...

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A Ritual of Balance for Spring

A Ritual of Balance for Spring

With March being the month of the spring equinox I like to muse over this idea of balance within our own lives. Balance is never a static point. Its a constant state of adjustment, which can be a useful thing to remember, especially if you tend to be a perfectionist...

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A Live Chat with Looby Macnamara

A Live Chat with Looby Macnamara

Today I virtually joined Looby Macnamara from my poly tunnel for a 20minute chat about permaculture, cultural emergence and her new kickstarter campaign. I came across Looby through Applewood Permaculture, where last year I completed my Permaculture Design Certificate...

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How to Make Wildflower Seed Paper for Valentine’s Day

How to Make Wildflower Seed Paper for Valentine’s Day

St Valentine’s day definitely divides people into the love or hate camp but I personally have always held a soft spot for this festival of the heart. Looking back into the history of this celebration is quite interesting. It seems it originated in the 8th century...

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A Cake for Imbolc – Seasonal Baking

A Cake for Imbolc – Seasonal Baking

A reacurring theme of late winter is milk. This is likely due to the sheep in the fields being almost full term, ready to birth their babies come March and April. Without birth there is no milk and spring is a time of rebirth and new life. With this in mind I find...

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Hi I’m Becky! I’m a family herbalist, gardener and mama living on our sustainable farm in Northern Ireland. I came across the concept of slow living and living in tune with nature when I was diagnosed with hashimotos and realised I needed to reconnect back to nature and learn how to nourish myself from within. Since then I have studied herbalism and natural skincare and garden with a focus on edibles. You can catch me monthly on BBC Radio 2 & I’m currently writing my first book to be published in 2022.  

Start your herbal journey with the Herbal Academy's beginners program