St Valentine’s day definitely divides people into the love or hate camp but I personally have always held a soft spot for this festival of the heart. Looking back into the history of this celebration is quite interesting. It seems it originated in the 8th century as a way of honouring the martyred St. Valentine. Some say St.Valentine was said to of been captured by the Roman Emporor and failing to renounce his Christain beliefs was to be exectuted. Before his death however it is said he preformed a miracle on the gailers daughter and thus through this miracle converted many to his faith. But otherall there didn’t seem to be any concerete connection between this saint and the event we now know well. It seems it wasn’t until the 14th century or thereabouts, that the day became linked with love. Love as an idea was becoming popular in this era and it became fashionable to express your love for a sweetheart through romantic gestures on the 14th February, St. Valentine’s day. There is also a saying that birds propose marriage to each other on this day-and of course birds are beginning to search for mates around this time. Whatever the origins, St Valentines day is an opportunity to express love to those who are special to you and of course don’t forget yourself!
A very sweet idea for a more environmentally friendly Valentines gift would be to make your own valentines day card using seeds and old paper, here’s how:
Tear up some non-coated old paper into small pieces and place them into a blender filling it half way, add enough water to cover all the paper. Blend into a pulp adding more water if needed. Remove into a bowl and add some native wildflower seeds. Meanwhile you will need to of made a frame. You can make a frame out of an old photograph frame without the inner glass or from 4 lollypop sticks stuck together to create a square frame. Within one of these frames you will need to add either fine mesh or even a scrap of frabric such as muslin, calico or linen. Secure this fabric onto the frame. Now you have your frame place it on a baking dish or large lipped plate and pour over the wet pulp until you have a thin layer of pulp covering your fabric or mesh. Using a spinge of piece of cloth you can dab at this and remove all the water you can.Then carefully remove the pulp/now paoer from the frame and place the paper onto a dry flat surface or even (as we used to do in art school) stick the wet paper onto a glass surface like a window and let it dry completely. Once dried cut out heart shapes that you can then write on and give to your sweetheart. The paper will be plantable due to the seeds within it. Very romantic!