
slow living blog workshop natural

Learn how to connect with the seasons through beautiful projects and recipes to ignite the senses. This e-course contains all that I’ve learnt since moving up here to our ethical farm in Northern Ireland. It’s a beautiful course to re-connect you with your surroundings and nature.


In person-Natural Living Workshop-Venue Broughgammon Farm, Co.Antrim


blog post audit free slow blog

Do you feel a little stuck with your blog? Perhaps you’ve a blogging newbie in need of some direction? Or maybe your an old hat at blogging but you’re craving a fresh pair of eyes to look over your latest post? Either way my bespoke blog post audit will give you plenty of strategic ideas to elevate your content to new heights. I’m also giving away my Blogging With Purpose E-Course for free for anyone who signs up! The price is £69 for a video audit send to your inbox and 3 follow up emails. Contact me here if you’re interested.