by Becky | Aug 23, 2019 | Natural Skincare
DIY Summer Seasonal Skincare If you listened to my spring skincare podcast episode you’ll already know how I love to change up my skincare each and every season. The adjustments in day length, temperature, and sun exposure all play an enormous role in how our skin...
by Becky | Aug 23, 2019 | Herbs, Natural Living, Seasonal Living
Herbal Spotlight on Meadowsweet & Honeysuckle Forging tips, identification, wild food recipes and herbal remedies What could be more summery than the sight and smell of honeysuckle winding it’s way through the hedgerows and frothy meadowsweet lining the river...
by Becky | Aug 21, 2019 | Natural Skincare
Let me start off by saying this course really surprised me. Although I teach natural skincare classes and make my own DIY skincare regularly I was still really excited to see this new offering from The Herbal Academy, The Botanical Skincare Course. Having taken...