In this months seasonal guide, we’ll be looking at April and what we can expect to see in nature, on our plate and some little facts on the month. Whenever I think of April I cant help but think of the Little April Showers song from Bambi- it pretty much sums up the...
How Can a Staycation Save the Planet? Today I wanted to chat with you about Staycations. It all came about when I was listening to a podcast about the Environment from BBC radio 4 called You’re Doing it Wrong. One of the podcast guests was an environmental writer...
Staycations- Northern Irish Coast Guide I’ve never been one to crave travel. While I certainly wouldn’t turn down any trip abroad (Japan in cherry blossom season would be amazing), I don’t have that hard to satisfy wanderlust that some others seem to have. However, as...
Root & Branch Coffee Roasters Review This weekend Charlie and I went to the new Root & Branch coffee roasters on Ormeau Road in Belfast. Recently opened by our friend Ben, the roasters is basically a coffee haven! With the on-site roaster just beside the till...
We were back at Balmoral show this year with our Broughgammon Farm stall. I used the opportunity to do a bit of filming. The show was massive! Lots to look at including huge pigs, show jumping, cakes and of course plenty of tractors! Hope you enjoy! Join the Nourish...
Garden Show Ireland-Primula Theatres and Tiny Gardens Each year we head down to Garden Show Ireland with our farm street food van ready to feed the crowds over the days the show runs. This year I had high hopes to vlog the event but ended up with lots of pictures...