by Becky | Jul 13, 2022 | Herbs, Nourishing Kitchen
I have to have a cake to celebrate summer, I adore baking and sweet things so it seems inevitable that I should find an excuse to bake something and the mid month of summer seems like a perfect reason to me to get out my cake tins. My cake of choice in July is most...
by Becky | Feb 2, 2020 | Baking, Nourishing Kitchen
It’s time for marmalade cake! The citrus season is in full force and I have been getting beautiful blood oranges from Temple Bar Food Market each week to transform into this moreish cake for our farm cafe! What I adore the most about this cake is that it’s...
by Becky | Nov 9, 2019 | Baking, Gardening, Nourishing Kitchen
90g golden caster sugar 1 egg yolk 170g Dove’s gluten free self raising flour 115g soft butter pinch pink himalayan salt 1 tsp vanilla extract method; Cream the butter and sugar until pale and soft. Add in the salt, mix. Beat in the egg yolk and vanilla. Now...
by Becky | Nov 4, 2019 | Baking, Nourishing Kitchen
Healthy toffee apple anyone? I’m not a fan of those sugar coated apples, which may be pretty to look at but deliver a pretty crazy sugar over-load. These date toffee apples are a tasty alternative. The toffee is amazingly yummy and works well in lots of other recipes...
by Becky | Jul 9, 2019 | Gardening, Herbs, Nourishing Kitchen
Guide to Edible Flowers There’s something about flowers and food that really inspires the tastebuds and the imagination. Undeniable beautiful placed onto cakes, they make everything look like a true celebration. However there is a lot more to edible flowers than just...
by Becky | Jun 26, 2019 | Gardening, Natural Living, Nourishing Kitchen, Seasonal Living
A Guide to Nature, Gardening, Food and Foraging in Summer. Summer is here, and with it the peak of the light evenings we were craving all winter. The long days languorously stretch out before us, inviting warm evenings filled with BBQs, time spent lying on grassy...