by Becky | Jun 22, 2022 | Herbs
A cornerstone recipe of summer is cool or iced herbal teas. This is simply a herbal tea that has been cooled down in the fridge and then had some ice added. Easy. This follows the same technique as brewing herbal infusions (I have a whole podcast episode dedicated to...
by Becky | Jun 20, 2022 | Herbs, Seasonal Living
The days around summer solstice can also be a wonderful time to gather and harvest herbs for herbal preparations. Certain herbs like lemon balm, mint, rose, sun like calendula, St John’s wort and elderflower should be looking at their best right now and are perfect...
by Becky | Jun 17, 2022 | Nature Kids
While I do enjoy crafting with my children I find the best things are from nature and together we gather natural items found on our daily walks to decorate our cottage with and also to add to our seasonal nature table. A nature table is just what sounds like, a small...
by Becky | Jun 13, 2022 | Baking, Seasonal Living
Despite the warming days I still love to bake in summer, and my seasonal cake recipe for this month is a summer honey cake-a celebration of the busy bees, the golden hues and the sweetest of the month. Honey Cake Recipe 300g gf self rasing flour 3 eggs 100g dark...
by Becky | Jun 8, 2022 | Books, Nature Kids
A lot of you will already know that I am completely addicted to books. Especially kids’ books and nature books. It’s a huge weakness of mine. Every season I treasure the experience of hunting down beautiful books on the upcoming season. I love to find picture books...