by Becky | Feb 27, 2018 | Natural Living, Seasonal Living, slow living
Nature’s Guide to March March is my favourite month of the year, although it can still be very turbulent with its weather. Some days are full of birdsong and bursts of growth while others remain cold and frosty! Personally, I cant resist March’s overall...
by Becky | Feb 19, 2018 | Herbs, Natural Living, Nourishing Kitchen
Hello lovelies, I’m writing this in my snug little cottage sitting room on a February morning. I have the log fire burning away and Charlie’s taken the baby down to the goats so I’m baby free and can finally sit down to write about one of my favourite...
by Becky | Feb 1, 2018 | Motherhood, Natural Living, Seasonal Living, vlog
Being a farmer’s wife, homesteader and mum means that life is varied and I get to wear a lot of different hats. One morning can be spent feeding animals, another stirring glossy amber-coloured marmalade and crossing my fingers that I get the setting point right....