Daisy Bruise Balm
Daisy’s are a rather overlooked little flower, see as something that pops up on lawns in summer and only good for daisy chains. Well prepare to be amazed…Daisies are actually little herbal powerhouses! Daisy is a natural stypic and anti-inflammatory so perfect alternative to arnica for those bruised knees.
Daisy Bruise Balm Ingredients
Beeswax 14g
Daisy infused oil 120ml (*see below for directions)
Chamomile essential oil 5 drops
120ml wide mouthed jar with lid
*How to make Daisy Infused Oil
The first thing you will need is an oil of choice such as sunflower or olive and dried daisies.
I like to my dehydrator in order to dry the daisies but you can also dry them in a warm place such as an airing cupboard. Once you have your dried daisies place them into a clean dry jar, I fill a jar to almost full with the daisies for the most potent oil infusion. Now pour over the oil, I love using Sunflower or sweet almond oil but a good quality extra virgin olive oil will work too. Give the jar a little shake to remove air pockets and seal tightly with a lid. Leave for 2 weeks to infuse then strain out and discard the daisies. Now you have a beautiful medicinal daisy oil perfect for our bruise balm!
How to Make Daisy Bruise Balm
Once you have your lovely daisy infused oil (see above) you are ready to make your little jar of goodness. This takes just a few minutes and produces a gorgeous balm that can used on bruises and sore achy muscles.
First of all melt the beeswax in a double boiler over a low heat until completely dissolved. Now add the daisy oil and mix quickly. You may need to pop this back over the heat as the beeswax can begin to harden once the oil hits it. Remove from the heat and drop in the essential oil. Stir. Pour into your dry container and seal with a lid. Ideally leave the balm overnight to set completely. This balm should last a year but discard it if you have any discolouration, mould or adverse effects using it.
Can the daisy bump balm be used on grazes/open cuts and splinters?