It’s been a while since I’ve shared a photo-diary style post. That’s not to say I don’t have any pics to share…I have tons but so often they stay on iPhoto and before I know it the month has passed and it’s too late to share them here. Oops!
Anyway this morning I pulled back the curtains to reveal a beautiful frosty morning landscape. Leaving my father in law to feed the goats, I grabbed my camera, a coat, my trusty Sporting Hares and Scrumpy (our terrier) and head out into the fresh morning to capture the delicate icy beauty before it disappeared.
I’ve been going on a lot more walks recently, as in Winter it’s all too easy to stay inside with the toasty log fire, or find that the day vanishes in a blur of daily tasks. So I’ve been forcing myself to take a few minutes to tog up and do a bit of a morning stroll.
What I love most about this slow morning walk, is seeing the landscape change, ever so slightly each time. Sometimes, like this morning, it’s a frosty one, others I may suddenly see the start of a bulb raising it’s green head out of the soil. And coming across a patch of delicate snowdrops is guaranteed to put a smile on my face!
After a long, dark winter I am always a bit soppy and romantic about seeing the last dregs of winter melt away like something from Narnia into early Spring…
The farm itself has been busy, busy over the last 8 weeks as we have had our new baby kid goats arrive and so far we have about 140 to hand rear daily! Not the easiest of tasks but they are so cute it’s hard to not end up falling in love with them! (I must post up a video of them!) I’ve also, finally, managed to drag myself to the hair dresser (I use Brown Sugar in Dublin if your interested) and am delighted to have a more thicker, shorter style now, far easier to team with a scarf!