Winter is always a time that I crave a good gardening book. The lush colourful pictures of gardens are so inspiring and just the ticket to say goodbye to the winter blues. I decided to film a video on some of my current favourites including Wild about Weeds by Jack Wallington and Frances Tophill’s new book Rewild you Garden.

I also received some very beautiful garden diaries for Christmas and a couple of books for children which Ive also included.

Hope you enjoy the video and if you scroll down further I’ve included a small peek inside each book as well.

*Some of my links may be Amazon affiliate links. This does not effect my opinion or recommendations of products. I only recommend things I absolutely adore and think you will too x

Wild about Weeds by Jack Wallington

Wild about Weeds is an eye opening book that puts the humble weed in the spotlight. It shows us how to use overlooked plants in our garden design and I think it is a must read.

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Rewild you Garden by Frances Tophill

Oh this book is just so PRETTY!! It covers all the important factors that’d go into a small wild garden and is a visual feast as well. This book would make a brilliant gift.

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Wild your Garden by the Butterfly Brothers

This book is similar to Frances Tophill’s offering but perhaps has just a bit more in-depth info on creating a native hedge, pond etc. Not as pretty as Frances book but a brilliant addition to the gardener’s bookcase.

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The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden

This classic diary is very charming and includes nature journal notes, poems and of course lovely illustrations to bring you through each month.

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Wildflowers by Margaret Erskine Wilson

Another sweet nature diary with gorgeous illustrations. This is a nice refresher to each month and Im hoping will inspire me to get out and looking for similar wildflowers here on the farm.

wildflowers margaret erskine wilson review
wildflowers margaret erskine wilson review.

The Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook by Anne Stobart

What pulled me to this book was the inclusion of more unusual species. Theres a plant profile as well as lots of growing ideas and how to make medicinals from the plants.

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Garden Plants for Scotland by Kenneth N.E Cox & Raoul Curtis-Machin

I was so excited to find this book as we are situated on the North coast of Ireland and can actually see the Mull of Kintyre from our local beach. So, looking to this book gives me a better idea of plants that might flourish in our harsher weather conditions.

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GIY’s Know it Allmanac by Michael Kelly and Muireann Ni Chiobhan

This book was a gift to my boys from their uncle and I have to say it was an incredible find. Each month has recipes, seasonal veg, a hero veg and so many facts. Just brilliant for a young gardener.

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The Children’s Forest by Dawn Casey

Not so much about gardening but this book snuck into my video as its just so perfect for those of you with children and are keen to garden. There’s nature songs, stories, wild crafts and seasonal celebrations that can all be done outside (while you get on with weeding).

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