As January comes to a close we can begin to think about getting out into the garden to grow some veg, and one of my favourite jobs is to plant shallots.
Shallots are a wonderful addition to any veg garden, with their sweet, aromatic and mild flavour they make a great alternative to onions and are delicious sliced raw in salads or even baked whole.
There are so many tasty varieties to chose from, but one of my go-tos is the long banana shallot Jermor. Jermor has a good flavour and reliable harvest making it a very popular choice among growers.
Shallots love rich, fertile soil so begin by choosing a sunny, well drained spot in your garden and make sure you dig in some compost to keep those shallots happy.
Shallots are easy to plant, you just need to make a small hole with a trowel, and place in the shallot, making sure the tip is just visible above the surface.
Press the soil snugly around the shallot and then plant the next set about 20cm away. Rows need to be around 30cm away from each other and its really Worth netting them to stop any birds pulling your bulbs out
Your shallots should be Ready to harvest, dry and store after about 20 weeks or at the end of July.