Glorious summer is well and truly here! Hot days and long languid afternoons approach but there are still garden tasks that I will be tackling in our polytunnels and out in the main beds too.
Vegetables to Grow in July
Beetroot (for brownies, Rupert’s favourite finger food and the best greens ever!)
Florence Fennel
Chinese Cabbage (so excited to try this!)
Thoughts on July Growing (updated throughout the month)
It’s been so hot this month that the tunnels have been struggling, especially the broad beans which need the moisture. The spinach, chard and peas have all been wonderful and I’ve eaten so many mangetout - note to self plant these again!
The sweetcorn has really gone wild and grow hugely in a matter of days, as have the french beans.
The brassica bed mum helped me with is looking gorgeous! I’m slightly in love with the dark green cavolo kale. Although I have completely forgotton which variety of cabbage and cauliflower I’ve planted where…Typical mum brain!

Lovely runner beans being trained up bamboo sticks.