by Becky | Oct 1, 2018 | Natural Living, Seasonal Living
Slow Living Guide to Autumn-Seasonal Food & Gardening Autumn is folding in around us and all the symptoms of colder temperatures are showing. Leaves are crisp and brown, the garden is starting to slip into a tired sleep and in general most things are retracting...
by Becky | Apr 11, 2018 | Natural Living, Seasonal Living, slow living, Staycation
In this months seasonal guide, we’ll be looking at April and what we can expect to see in nature, on our plate and some little facts on the month. Whenever I think of April I cant help but think of the Little April Showers song from Bambi- it pretty much sums up the...
by Becky | Jan 29, 2018 | Natural Living, Seasonal Living, slow living
I think it’s fair to say that February can be a challenging month for many. It’s dark, it’s cold and we are all waiting eagerly for Spring. February can become a bit of a forgotten month, a month passed through impatiently and wished away in favor of brighter, warmer...
by Becky | Jan 14, 2018 | Natural Living, Seasonal Living, slow living
Episode two of Nature and Nourish is here! This is quick but powerful one to re-tune and connect back to nature and the simple beauty that surrounds us everyday. Sometimes we become so disconnected with nature, the seasons and our surroundings that we don’t even...
by Becky | Jan 10, 2018 | Natural Living, Seasonal Living
So…It’s here, finally. I’ve spent hours procrastinating, feeling completely useless and struggling with tech stuff but it’s here at last-the Nature and Nourish Podcast! Since moving up to the farm my life has completely transformed. From party...